General Terms and Conditions of Protec Systempasten GmbH
§ 1 Abstract, scope of application
Our following General Terms and Conditions only apply if the purchaser
is a business person (§ 14 BGB (German Civil Code)), a legal entity
pursuant to public law or a fund under public law. It does not apply to
2. Our General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively.
Deviating, opposing or supplemen-tal general conditions of the purchaser
become a component of the agreement only and to the extent as we have
explicitly agreed to their validity in writing. This requirement for
consent applies in any case, for example also if we have executed the
delivery to the purchaser without reservation being aware of the
purchaser's general terms and condi-tions.
3. Individual
agreements with the purchaser concluded in isolated cases (including
subsidi-ary agreements, supplements or changes) outrank these General
Terms and Conditions in any event. A written contract or our written
confirmation are decisive for the content of such agreements.
Legally relevant declarations and notifications to be issued to us by
the purchaser after the formation of a contract (e.g. deadlines, notices
of defect, declarations of withdrawal or reductions) require the
written form to be effective.
§ 2 Conclusion of contract
Our offers are subject to change and non-binding. This also applies if
we have provided the purchaser with catalogues, technical documentation,
other product descriptions or documentation – also in electronic form –
to which we retain proprietary rights and copy-rights.
2. The
ordering of the goods by the purchaser constitutes a binding offer of
contract. Unless specified differently in the order we are entitled to
accept this offer of contract within 2 weeks from receipt by us. The
acceptance may be declared in writing (e.g. by order con-firmation) or
through delivery of the goods to the purchaser.
§ 3 Prices
The agreed prices are ex works and apply plus VAT legally applicable at
the date of delivery. Any customs fees, levies, taxes and other public
dues are borne by the pur-chaser.
2. The calculations are based on
weights, number of items and quantities determined by us unless the
purchaser immediately objects, however no later than within 14 days.
If our prices generally decrease or increase during the term of the
agreement the changed prices apply for the still to be supplied amounts.
In the event of a price increase the purchaser is entitled to
immediately withdraw from the agreement by way of written declaration,
however at the latest within four weeks from receipt of the notification
regard-ing the price increase. The withdrawal does not affect
deliveries performed prior to the price increase.
§ 4 Consultation pertaining to the application
we provide consultancy services, they are performed at the best of our
knowledge. All specifications and information regarding suitability and
application of the supplied goods do not exempt the purchaser from own
inspections and trials. This particularly applies if thinners,
hardeners, additional paints or other components are added which were
not purchased from us.
§ 5 Delivery
1. The purchaser has to
pick up the goods at the place of fulfilment according to § 11 at the
agreed time of delivery or, if a time of delivery was not bindingly
agreed upon, immedi-ately following notification of provision. If the
purchaser is in default of accepting the goods, we are entitled to
dispatch the goods at our discretion at the purchaser's expense or to
store them - if no other option exists also outside. In this case we are
not liable for accidental destruction, loss or damage of the goods. In
the event of storing the goods we are entitled to invoice the goods
after one week.
2. If, by derogation from paragraph 1, it is
agreed that we are obligated to dispatch the goods, the transport is
conducted at the expense of the purchaser and the choice of transport as
well as the route is at our discretion unless special instructions are
provided. The risk is transferred at the moment the goods are handed
over by us to the freight forwarder. Deliveries from EUR 5,000.00 are
carriage paid place of delivery.
3. Partial deliveries reasonable for the purchaser are permissible.
Significant, unforeseeable disruptions of operation, exceeding of
delivery deadlines or failed deliveries from our suppliers as well as
those not caused by us, disruptions of op-eration due to lack of raw
material, energy or staff, strikes, lock-outs, difficulties in
acquir-ing transportation, traffic interruptions, force majeure and acts
of God for us and our sub-suppliers extend the delivery time by the
duration of the impediment if they are relevant for the delivery of the
goods. We shall inform the purchaser regarding the commence-ment and end
of such impediments without undue delay. If such events delay the
delivery by more than one month, the purchaser as well as we shall be
entitled to withdraw from the agreement with respect to the affected
amounts, excluding compensation claims. Our statutory rights of
withdrawal and termination as well as the statutory regulations
regard-ing the processing of the agreement under exclusion of obligation
to perform (e.g. impos-sibility or unfeasibility of performance and/or
subsequent fulfilment) remain unaffected. Also the purchaser's rights of
withdrawal and termination according to § 9 of these Gen-eral Terms and
Conditions remain unaffected.
5. If the delivery occurs in leased
containers, they have to be returned within 90 days from receipt of the
delivery completely empty and carriage paid. The purchaser is liable
for the loss and damage of leased packaging if he is responsible for the
loss or damage. Leased packaging may not be used for other purposes or
for the storage of other products. They are merely intended for the
transport of the delivered goods. Labelling may not be re-moved.
We shall not accept the return of disposable packaging; instead, we
shall nominate a third party to the purchaser who recycles the packaging
in accordance with the Packaging Ordinance.
§ 6 Payment
The purchase price and the remuneration for ancillary services are
immediately due upon delivery unless otherwise agreed to in writing. If
we are entitled to partial performances they may also be asserted by
interim invoices within a uniform supply agreement and shall become due
and payable.
2. Agreed terms of payment apply from the moment of
provision of the goods and/or from the supply of goods and regardless of
the purchaser's receipt of the invoice.
3. Default interest in
the amount of 8% above the respective base interest rate according is
payable. The assertion of further damages remains unaffected.
The provision of bills of exchange is not cash payment and only
permissible on account of performance with our prior consent. Discount
and bill of exchange expenses are at the expense of the purchaser.
5. The purchaser is only entitled to offsetting or right of retention if his claim is final and absolute or uncontested.
Discount is principally excluded. If otherwise agreed, discounts are
generally only permissible if there are no outstanding payments relating
to the entire business relation-ship.
7. The non-payment of due
invoices or other circumstances indicating a significant deterio-ration
of the purchaser's financial situation (e.g. application to commence
insolvency proceedings) entitle us to demand immediate payment of all
our claims from the ongoing business relationship with the purchaser.
According to the statutory regulations pertaining to refusal of
performance and after stipulating a deadline - if required - we are
further-more entitled to withdrawal from the agreement (§ 321 BGB
(German Civil Code)).
§7 Reservation of title
1. We reserve
ownership to the sold goods up to the complete payment of all our
current and future claims from the purchase agreement and the ongoing
business relationship (secured claims). The reservation of title also
applies if individual claims are included in current accounts and the
balance has been drawn and accepted. Purchase price claims remain
unsettled despite payment as long as a reciprocal liability assumed by
us in this context – such as in the context of a cheque-exchange-process
– continues to exist.
2. The goods under reservation of title may
not be mortgaged or pledged as security to third parties until complete
payment of the secured claim. The purchaser is obligated to notify us
of any access to our goods by third parties in writing without undue
3. The purchaser performs any processing or intermingling
on our behalf without generating any liability for us. In the event of
processing or intermingling with other items not owned by us the
purchaser now transfers to us the co-ownership to the new item as
security in the ratio of the value of the reserved goods to the other
processed goods under the pro-viso that the purchaser stores the new
item on our behalf.
4. The purchaser is entitled to dispose of the
products in the course of proper business as long as he complies with
his obligations from his business relationship with us on time.
The purchaser now assigns to us any claims from the sale of goods to
which we have right of title as security to the extent of our share in
the sold goods. If the purchaser con-nects or intermingles the supplied
goods against payment with a main item of a third party, he now assigns
to us his remuneration claims against the third party as security up to
the amount of the invoice value of the supplied goods. We accept these
6. Upon our demand the purchaser has to provide us
with all necessary information regarding the inventory of the goods in
our possession and the claims assigned to us as well as inform his
purchasers of the assignation.
7. The purchaser is obligated to
diligently store the reserved goods and to insure them against loss and
damage at his expense. He hereby assigns his claims from the insur-ance
policies to us in advance. We accept this assignation.
8. If the
realisable value of the sureties exceeds our claims by more than 10%, we
shall release securities at the request of the purchaser at our
9. The purchaser's right regarding the disposal of the
products owned by us as well as the collection of the claims assigned
to us expires as soon as he ceases payment and/or becomes insolvent. If
these circumstances occur we are entitled to demand the immedi-ate
surrender of all products under reservation of title excluding the right
of retention of the purchaser without giving a period of grace or
exercise withdrawal.
10. If the reservation of title is not
effective according to the laws of the country where the supplied goods
are stored, the purchaser has to provide security of equal value at our
request. If he does not comply with this demand, we are entitled to
demand the immedi-ate payment of all pending invoices without
consideration of agreed payment terms.
§ 8 Warranty claims of the purchaser
1. The purchaser is obligated to check the goods for defects immediately upon receipt.
Obvious defects have to be reported immediately in writing, however
within 14 days from receipt of the goods. Hidden defects have to be
reported immediately, however within 14 days from their discovery. The
notification has to occur in writing and has to stipulate the type and
extent of the defect in detail. Our liability for the undisclosed defect
is excluded if the purchaser omits the proper examination and/or notice
of defect.
3. In case of properly asserted and justified notices
of defect we are entitled to subsequent fulfilment through remedy of
defect or replacement delivery at out discretion. Our right to refuse
the chosen type of subsequent fulfilment under legal prerequisites
remains unaf-fected.
4. In the event of a defect we are
responsible for the costs required for the verification and subsequent
fulfilment (particularly transport, shipping, labour and material costs)
unless they increase because the goods were shipped to a location other
than that of the place of fulfilment. However, if the purchaser's
demand for remedy of defect is apparently un-justified, we are entitled
to demand repayment of the incurred costs from the purchaser.
If the subsequent fulfilment fails twice or if an appropriate period of
notice provided by the purchaser has elapsed without success, the
purchaser may withdraw from the purchase agreement or reduce the
purchase price. However, the right to withdrawal does not exist in case
of an insignificant defect.
6. In the event of recourse (§ 478
BGB (German Civil Code)) we are entitled to refuse the purchaser's right
of recourse except for claims of new delivery of the goods and
reim-bursement for expenses, if we grant the purchaser equal
compensation for the exclusion of his rights. Compensation claims of the
purchaser are excluded without the necessity of granting compensation.
Compensation claims of the purchaser and/or replacement of futile
expenses are only applicable according to § 9 and are excluded for the
§ 9 Other liability
1. We are liable for
compensation in case of intent and gross negligence - regardless of the
legal grounds. In case of slight negligence we are only liable
a) for damages resulting from the violation of life, body or health,
for damages resulting from the violation of essential contractual
obligations (obliga-tions the fulfilment of which allows the proper
execution of the agreement and the compliance of which the contractual
partner may regularly assume and is entitled to assume); however, in
this case our liability is limited to the replacement of the
fore-seeable and typical damage.
2. The liability limitation
arising from paragraph 1 does not apply if we have maliciously omitted
to disclose a defect or if we have provided a warranty for the quality
of the goods. This also applies for claims of the purchaser according to
the Product Liability Act.
3. The purchaser is only entitled to
withdraw from or terminate the agreement based on a violation of
obligation not related to a defect if we are responsible for the
violation of obligation.
§ 10 Statute of limitation
1. By
derogation from § 438 (1) No. 3 BGB (German Civil Code) the general
period of limitation for claims based on material defects and defect of
title is one year from receipt of the goods by the purchaser.
However, if the goods are items which were utilised for a building
according to their usual type of usage and which have caused the defect
of the building (building material), the period of limitation is 5 years
from delivery according to statutory regulation (§ 438 (1) No. 2 BGB
(German Civil Code)).
3. The above periods of limitation of the
sales convention also apply for contractual and extra-contractual
compensation claims of the purchaser which are based on a defect of the
goods, unless the application of the regular statutory period of
limitation (§§ 195, 199 BGB (German Civil Code)) would result in a
shorter period of limitation in individual cases. The periods of
limitation of the Product Liability Act remain unaffected. Apart from
that the statutory periods of limitation apply exclusively for
compensation claims of the purchaser according to § 9.
§ 11 Place of fulfilment, place of jurisdiction and other
Place of fulfilment for all obligations from the business relationship
or the individual agreement is our respective place of dispatch, for
payment our registered office.
2. Exclusive place of jurisdiction
for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from this contractual
relationship is our registered office or the general place of
jurisdiction of the purchaser at our discretion. This also applies for
disputes in certificate, exchange or cheque processes.
3. The laws
of the Federal Republic of Germany apply exclusively for the
contractual relationship with our customers. The applicability of the
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of
Goods (CISG) of 11. April 1980 is excluded.
4. The purchaser's
data is stored and processed by us to the extent necessary for the
proper processing of the contractual relationship.
May 2012
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