
Tinting pastes system conversion

Your route to a new tinting system

Formulae service

Protec® are experts in reorganising existing tinting systems and reliable partners for making the route to getting there as uncomplicated and inexpensive as possible. We explain below the technical steps involved in such a reorganisation and how we can assist you with that.

The steps described in the following section do not constitute a generally applicable process. The best results are always achieved if the customer's requirements are first analysed with them and the introduction or reorganisation of the tinting system is then individually tailored to their needs.

Analysis of the range and colour spectrum

We carry out a range analysis of your existing tinting system and give you advice on the possible ways to increase efficiency. We deduce from this which of our different paste systems is most suitable for you. Whether water-based, solvent-based or universal pastes – we will gladly assist you with choosing the best possible system.
With our 150+ pastes, we can generally also offer equivalent configurations to the standard market solutions. Quite often the result is a 1:1 match with your previous solution – with improved performance. In this way the creation of calibration series can be dispensed with without any risk.

Analysis of the range and colour spectrum

Determining levels of compatibility

Determining levels of compatibility

Before the creation of calibration series can begin, we check via extensive compatibility tests which pigment preparations lead to the desired result in the basic qualities being used.

If necessary, an additional optimization process through addition of post-additives may improve the paste absorption and lead to the best possible result.

Determining parameters

Based on the analysis of the range and colour spectrum, we work up a concept based on your wishes for optimising your paint formulae in relation to your primary interests (e.g. colour metrics, profitability, chemical characteristics, opacity).

In doing so, together with you we define all important parameters (quantity addition per paste, specification of hiding power, etc.) prior to the calculation of recipes.

Determining parameters

Creating calibration series

Creating calibration series

We have great expertise in the creation of calibration series using software solutions from Largo, Innova and Datacolor. With other software solutions too we are naturally able to work up high-quality formulae for your products. Your company can thus switch to pastes and formulae from Protec® without any worries.

Fan deck

Protec® currently manages over 450 colour sampler collections. These include not only NCS Index and RAL, but also the samplers of common pan-European manufacturers. Should the sampler you want not be among them, we can naturally also read this in and add it to your master database of formulae.

Fan deck

Standard formulae

Standard formulae

If things do, however, ever need to move fast, we are also able to provide standard formulae, which compare very favourably in performance with rival products.

Know-how transfer colorimetry

We also gladly pass on the sum of years of experience and well-founded know-how as part of training courses in the practical application of the mixing plant software of Datacolor, Largo Innova, Fast & Fluid and Corob or other.

Know-how Transfer colorimetry

Service for mixing plants

You have made the shade-technical conversion to the Protec® shade concentrates and are now ready for the last step:
The mixing machine changeover

Protec® advise you in all matters and are available on request in detail processing. We benefit of our long-term experience of numerous conversion projects with our customers. Among other things, we cooperate with a large network of service partners.

Benefit from our experience and network to make your transition efficient and economical. Contact us!

Which products would be an option?

Interested in getting advice?

Use the short wire directly to us.

Comments, Feedback, special wishes – feel free to contact us. We'd be happy to help!

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